Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Resolutions Suck!

Ok....let's be many people stick to New Year's Resolutions??? All year long??? I will wait on the responses, lol. What I thought about was making a vision board: a board with everything on it that I plan to accomplish and how I plan on doing it. A lot of people can say they want to do things, but if you are not putting in any work, then your vision is just that; something you see without actually happening. So sit down, and think really hard on what you would like to accomplish. What is it that you want to do? Where do you see yourself in the coming year? Share your thoughts and ideas...and once my vision board is done(not today lol) you will see my visions!

be the best you that you can possibly be...remember sometimes you have to do things you have never done before to get where you want to be....nothing is impossible...

happy new year!


2010...MY WAY

Anyone that knows me, knows that I like to live life to the fullest. There is never a dull moment, and I intend to live it up. My pictures are like my life....random, lol. They are in no particular order(the last one is from halloween lmao). In 2011, I intend to not change a thing. The only thing I can say is that I will try to love more, not worry/stress, and go hard for what matters to me the Expect big things from me...not just because it is a new year, but because I am working harder for what I truly love everyday!

cousins birthday in sc

snow in ga!! who woulda thunk it, lol 

cinco de us at the bus stop lol

alumni gala

night out wit the girlies

easy breezy in sc-eezy

bulldogs rock!!!!

children's day parade 
the fair

 omg cheescake i missed thee

i love this me life

and pose lol

cake in my effin hair!!

beauty shot

miracle mile walk for breast cancer...thats my cause

my little black dress


out at takosushi! delicious

wedding wear

model status

pepa is here!!!


Any resolutions?? Leave them in my comments...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Yay for Sales!!! This Week's Find...

I absolutely loooovvvveeee a sale or a bargain. As much as I shop, I have to do so wisely. Today I happened to walk into Ashley Stewart, and they were having an awesome sale on jewelry. There was 50% off already reduced prices, so I ended up getting some beautiful bracelets for like $15! Do not be afraid to shop clearance or sales racks, or even stores you don't normally go into, because you never know what you will come across. You can find THE BEST bargains. The best example is tanks and short sleeves...yes they are spring/summer wardrobe...but you can winterize them by adding a cardigan or spiffy(yes I said spiffy lol) jacket. The possibilities are endless!!!!

Today's 'Fit

Sometimes there is a conflict in my mind....what to wear to work???? I struggle between what is and is not appropriate, and what will show my personality, even at work! I think whenever you step foot out of the are a walking advertisement. No matter what time of the day it is, what you have on is a reflection of you. This 'fit is comfy, yet chic, and it makes a statement that I am ok mixing patterns, as well as avoiding the age old rule-DONT MIX BLACK AND BROWN! Well, I am here to tell you that it is more than ok, and it ended up turning out very well. The cardigan came from old navy, scarf and tights from good old Wally world, boots from Roaman, and the dress from the infamous Shoppe 31:30(i talked about this place in an older post).

Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Different Type of Gift

I hope that everyone is enjoying their Christmas! Although I am under the weather, it is still a great day indeed. Sometimes we become so wrapped up(no pun intended lol) in buying the most expensive gifts, when you can give small inexpensive gifts that have mean a lot more to that person. I love my cousin's idea for a gift...she took her daughter to the Riverwalk and had a photo shoot, and made photo cards, which is sooooo adorable.

My idea for a gift was too make cookies and hand deliver them to all my friends. It is a small, inexpensive gift, but I just wanted them to know that I took the time and thought into a gift.

Merry Christmas from Candy Dee 321!!!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hot or Not?

So I decided that this would be a great daily thing for me to give my colorful commentary on different 'fits that I may come across. This is not intended to be a diss thing, just my honest opinion of what I think is hot or hard feelings ;-) let's go!

I think this is totally hot! The skirt and shirt are in the same color family, so it meshes well. I think people are sometimes scared to mix patterns. It is very much ok to do so, just make sure that the patterns have something in common. Wearing two patterns can be surprisingly chic if you wear them just right. Just remember, don't go overboard, because you do run the risk of having too many patterns and looking a mess! lol

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

More Than Just a Fashion Show....It's an Expose'

In Augusta, it is very rare that there are any fashion-esque events that are truly devoted to the art. This is not just a fashion show, it is a "premier fashion event", that I have the pleasure of working with. The show will surround several themes, and incorparate different stores as well as original work from fashion designers. I am soooo glad to be a part of this show, being that it is a first mainstream show. I am very excited and get to be hands on and behind the scenes.

The event will be held Saturday, January 15th, 2011 at the Bell Auditorium. Tickets can be purchased online at More details and commentary to come!!!!

Let Your Light Shine....Even on Your Lips!

Sooo I recently stumbled onto someone who sold products for a company called Amway, and they sell everything from beauty items to washing powder. Normally, I am not inclined to order any beauty items unless its from Victoria Secret or Mary Kay (personal preferences for my skin), but one thing stood out; light up lip gloss that has a mirror attached.

One might ask, why do you need lip gloss with a light and a mirror already attached to the side? Well, I go to different events, that may not provide adequate lighting, so I can apply my lip gloss, check my make-up, and touch up my hair.

It really is a nifty item any girl could stand to add to their purse! Plus it has a minty feeling that gets your lips tingling ;-)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

This Week's Find

Ok, so I could possibly do a find everyday....but I am tryin to ween my self of toooo much splurge spending. Don't get me wrong, now I loooovvveee shopping, but it should be done so in moderation. Remember, don't live beyond your means! Anyhoo, this week's find is a pair of Black Wedge Booties that I found for a very very low price. When I really want something, I will search for the best price. But I did not come across these until I had stopped looking.

I absolutely love these, because it is a very versatile shoe; whether it be a casual or dressy fit. Enjoy this week's find!

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Lauren Conrad Style [Book]While out shopping for my secret santa at work, I came across Lauren Conrad's book "Style". Well more like my bestie saw it and immediately said that book was for me, and I had to get it. Just by opening the book and browsing a couple of pages, I fell in love. Can't wait to jump right in once I am done with the newest issue of Cosmo!

Not the Ordinary Pajama Day was Pajama Day at my job. Me being the person I am, regular or ordinary is not even in my vocabulary. I found the cutest one piece pajama at Target for $20. Instead of just wearing the pj's and maybe a robe and slippers, I said why not jazz it up. So I added a blazer and snow boots and some different color bracelets to add a pop of color. Check it Out!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Be the Pink Nail Polish in an Otherwise Blue Situation

So, I have a very bright personality, and tend to stick out. Dare to be different! What;s the worst that could happen? I have found out that people will like you because you are you...and people will hate you because of who you are. You have to be true to yourself...and that in turn reflects in your outer appearance!

New Look...New Beginnings!

Felt like since so many new things were blog needed a new look! Ain't she purty! lol...anyhoo! There will be lots more to come! I am uber excited about new things that are developing.

Stay Tuned


Monday, December 6, 2010

Not just a thrift with a point

Wanna guess how I spent my Saturday?? Sleeping, traveling, shopping....not quite. I spent half a day in a boutique style thrift store. Now I know what you are thinking, thrift...second hand...somebody else's? But this has turned out to be my number 1 stop to find jewelry and clothing that no one else has. I am a trend setter, not a follower, so this is heaven for me! 

During the half day I spent there, I learned what Shoppe 3130 was all about. It is actually a ministry that want to break the cycle of poverty starting with women. The offer a job readiness program for women, and upon completion, the women get a chance to go in the shoppe and pick 5 outfits to get out into the world and get a job. How cool is that? 

So I took some time and put some samples together...and keep in mind that all these outfits are under $10!!!!

Clearly, the possibilities are unlimited. Don't just consider a thrift shop just to be a junk store. There are lots of good signature pieces that you can find and combine with other things. That's as good as it with a point!
