Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Todays Find

Ok....so remember when I said don't be afraid to hit the clearance rack?? I found these hot gladiator like heals....and you will never guess how much.....$10 !!! Yes ladies...its very true. Happy Belated Valentines to me!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Today's Find!

Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely adore ALDO! Well, the have a banging sale on their shoes, handbags, and accessories...30-50 % off! Click the photo below and check it out!


Ok, so we know that the winter season will be coming to an end soon. So guess what that means.....SALES!!!! Stores are getting ready for spring, but in order to do so, they have to get rid of all the old stuff that they have. This includes coats, boots, pumps, and  shirts just to name a few. Do not...I repeat DO NOT be afraid to buy sale items! It might take a little effort because all the clothing are on racks, but the savings are priceless. I spent $12 on a pair of bad ass snake skin pumps and some suede peep toe heels....and that was combined!

Tank tops and short sleeves are always a good thing to rack up on, because these are items you can wear year round. A tank could be paired with a blazer or cardigan, and like that your outfit is winterized.

Mini skirts and short dress are year round as well! Those can be worn in the summer with some cute sandals or in the colder months with tights and boots or heels.

All of these outfits can be stripped down and made into spring pieces by adding a pop of color instead of the neutrals.

Be realistic, who in America changes their wardrobe every season? I will wait on that response.....lol

Thursday, February 3, 2011


First off....let me apologize for the disappearing act. I have totally been m.i.a. because of a lot of things going on in my personal life. I have had some issues going on, but my faith is stronger than any situation! (let the church say Amen! lol)...that is water under the bridge...and im over and done with THAT! lol...anyhoo! Life goes on...and so does fashion! I have some gooooodddd stuff in store for ya'll! I have a couple of fashion shows coming up that I will be in attendance to, as well as the Art Meets Fashion Expose that is coming up(more details to come about that).

Please stay tuned!

Love You All!